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How To Get More Leads With Content Marketing

No matter how significant the influence of SEO on website promotion is, content has always been in the first place for users.

It is not easy to create good content, so it is not surprising that many people want to go through this stage as soon as possible. However, you cannot make too hasty decisions: if the content is incorrect, you will have to start from scratch. Many companies are confident that they need thematic reviews but do not even think about why.

The problem is that many companies have a list of “required” types of content. They believe that once there is such a product, it is necessary to prepare a thematic review, a brochure, a case and, possibly, an online seminar. However, this approach is hardly advisable. It is necessary to optimize the process of producing content that meets the goals, audience, and capabilities of the company.

There are hundreds of marketing strategies that you can use to promote products and services. Some can help you reach your goal in increasing sales, while others will only make you stumble at marketing.

Therefore, what is the most effective and most cost-effective way to promote a site and, as a result, gain sales?

Content Marketing! Writing useful and high-quality material with subsequent distribution on hundreds of websites, directories, and email newsletters is probably the best way to increase traffic, sales, trust and ranking in search engines.

Here are four main reasons why you should use content marketing to promote your website, products, and services:

Attention-getting to the site

When you write and post articles on your website, you create a self-generating marketing machine that produces a constant stream of visitors. Millions of people every day are looking for something on the Internet, the latest news, products, services, strategies, and tips for getting the most out of business and life.

The Internet is the number one source for people who want to buy or find something out.

Newspapers, magazines and radio (in my opinion, already dead channel beyond past) can no longer sell the way everyone used. Why? People watch TV for entertainment, and not for buying things. People use the Internet to search for products, services or recommendations. That is why you should be on the Internet.

Link building

When other sites post your articles, you need to identify yourself as the author and link to your site. When your item is on thousands of websites, you automatically get thousands of links to your site. If hundreds or even thousands of links lead to your site, it will significantly increase your search ranking, traffic, and sales.

If you have just created a website, it may take several months before Google finds it. However, if you write and publish articles on reputable sites, Google will index them much faster than if they were on your site. Therefore, when you post your articles on other legitimate sites, you start getting traffic from the very beginning!

Turn readers into buyers

People should trust you to want to buy from you. High quality and engaging content, the best way to earn trust. It is for this reason that content marketing has a significant impact on sales.

Write articles about how your product or service can solve problems, describe their benefits, and these articles can multiply your marketing efforts and push your potential customers to purchase.

Long Term Perspective

Content marketing is a long-term strategy, which can work to engage new customers and keep existing ones in the long term.

Your articles will remain in the search engines and will be able to engage traffic for a long time. Content marketing creates regular traffic that regularly engages visitors and prepares them to use your services. If you are engaging potential customers to the site, try to get their email address to subscribe to the newsletter to be able to stay in touch with potential and existing customers.

Business owners are always looking for opportunities to market their products and engage customers with minimal financial investments.

Suggestions for your ideas spread

  • Article directories in your industry;
  • niche catalogs (make sure these are live directories)
  • websites with your target audience
  • your website
  • your informational and advertising printed materials
  •  your blog
  • guest blogging
  • forums, and bulletin boards
  • creation of electronic books
  • business offers/presentations;
  • Possible presentations at seminars;
  • CD
  • participation in television;
  • Press releases;
  • Publications in newspapers and industry magazines;
  • Radio Interview;
  • Brochures/business cards;
  • Autoresponders;
  • Emails on your database of email addresses.

Steps to get your content marketing working

  1. Write an article 1500-2000 word in length that will be unique, with original and useful content.
  2. Collect the semantics for your article and optimize it so that it starts to appear in the search engines for the keywords that your customers use to find your service.
  3. Optimize the title and subtitles of your article with keywords; however, you should make sure that the title remains appealing to readers.
  4. Write about yourself briefly (50 words), readers want to know who you are and what you can do for them.
  5. Analyze the site on which you want to post your article. You will be surprised how many websites get absolutely no traffic!
  6. Repeat this process with 100 websites. You must write at least one article per month on an ongoing basis.


When working with content, it is essential to plan the work for the time ahead competently, to analyze the results regularly and changes that occur after its publication. Create content that solves the problem of your customers. What you need is targeted advertising in social media, optimized content for SEO in blogs (yours and outside), email newsletter and references in favorite vlogs. The gain in sales is not long in coming.

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