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How to Avoid Boring Posts

When it comes to blogging, it can be quite challenging to cut through the noise and have your blog post noticed. In a world where content is king and new blogs are uploaded by the thousands every day, it’s important to make sure yours are never boring.

We’ve got a few helpful tips on how to avoid boring posts and make your blog writing more interesting.

Write in the first person

Writing in the first person is natural and it’s the way we talk. Using first person voice, i.e. words like I, I’ve and me, makes you more relatable to readers and you’ll connect with them on a personal level. Third person voice can sound too awkward and may come across as boring.

When you write in the first person, you make a blog post more relatable for your readers. They will be able to connect with you and familiarise themselves with your story. It’s a great way to make sure you capture your audience’s attention early on and keep them reading.

Tell a story

People tend to familiarize with a story. When you tell a story as part of your blog post, it gets more interesting and readers want to know about your experience.

There is also some science behind this; when your brain hears a story, it engages in neural coupling, which basically refer to experience where new ideas are formed. The brain also releases the ‘happy’ chemical dopamine at emotional points in a story.

Use a transition

A transition refers to a point in a story where you switch direction. Writers often go from one topic to another, without a proper transition – try to keep this from happening.

The easiest way to use a transition is to implement visual clues, such as a big headline, an ordered list, and so on. Headers usually make the best transition points.

Always be clear

If you can write a clear precise blog post, your content will automatically be more interesting to readers. It should not be highly technical, but it should be clear and to the point, giving your readers exactly what they are looking for. Clarity is always important when you write any blog post, but you don’t have to make it over-complicated.

A good tip is to write one simple sentence with all the facts, and then break it down further below in the post. This will give readers the ability to get the facts quickly as they browse through the post, and they can then have a more detailed explanation if they have time to read the entire post.

Make your post visually appealing

There’s nothing wrong with a long piece of text, but it can easily become boring and tedious to read. Make the post visually appealing by adding shorter paragraphs, images, bulleted lists, links and statistics. This is also a great way to make your post easily readable for people who only ‘scan’ through the content to find the interesting bits.

Visually appealing posts will almost always have more readers and shares than posts without any interesting parts, images or facts that stand out. You can use images, videos, infographics, short paragraphs and bullet lists to make your blog post more appealing.

Always include a CTA

When you write a blog post, be sure to include a call to action (CTA) at the end of your post. It doesn’t have to necessarily market your products and services; you can even encourage your readers to leave a comment or share their own experience.

When you include a CTA in your post, you give it meaning and a well-rounded end to the story. A CTA ties your content together with the action you want readers to take, making it more interesting not only for the reader but for the blog owner too.

Include the facts

When you write a blog post, try to include as many helpful facts and figures as possible. This will avoid you simply writing on and on about a topic, without real data to back it up. With interesting facts, your blog will be more appealing and if written correctly, you can even have people link back to your blog post for the facts and interesting data you’ve provided. This is also why longer posts are often preferred, as it includes verifiable, statistical content.

People love information and if you have an interesting topic, you can spice it up even more by adding interesting facts, recent research, or figures to support your content. The more sharable your content, the better your chance of getting that valued organic traffic.

Summarise with quick tips

If you have a blog post that has 2,000 words, it can be a lot to process. That’s why great bloggers summarize their content by providing quick tips for readers. It’s a great way to give them the absolute basics that they can take away from the post, especially if it gives them actionable results, that they can quickly and easily pick up.

Try to avoid using passive voice

When possible, try to avoid using passive voice in your blog posts. It almost always sounds better when you write in an active voice, which will also make your blog post much more fun and interesting to read. Don’t be shy; you can play around with words and phrases to make your blog post more interesting and fun to read.

Keep in mind that readers want to associate with your story and find it interesting. That’s why you should be to the point and in an active voice, to get your point across much easier.

Use a captivating headline

This is probably one of the most important aspects of writing a blog post. You want to attract readers’ attention and this means writing a captivating headline. Great headlines are also sharable and you’ll find that your post can easily be shared across multiple social media channels if you have the right headline – supported by quality, informative content.

There are many different tools online that can help you generate an interesting headline. HubSpot has a great blog topic generator that helps you get great ideas for your next blog post. Another great tool to use is Portent’s Content Idea Generator. This tool is very simple to use, and it will add a little quirkiness and a few jokes to spice up your content suggestions.

Create a video blog

A video blog, or a vlog, is another great idea to create something different. Thousands of blog posts are published every day – but video marketing is fast becoming one of the most popular digital marketing strategies today.

Video blogging helps to attract readers, makes for a great social media content update, and allows people to visualise your content message. Videos are one of the best marketing tools today – in fact, in 2018, more than 500 million hours of videos were being watched on YouTube every day. Bloggers need to take advantage of this and capture their audiences with videos as part of their blogging strategy.

Interview a thought leader

If you really want to make an impression and establish your blog as an authoritative voice, try to get an interview with an industry leader or influencer. This will help you get a unique insight into a specific topic and give your audience to learn from experts in the industry. Influencers are a great way to add authority to your blog, and some bloggers make it a regular event to interview experts and turn it into a featured blog post.

These are just some of the great tips you can use to make your blogs more interesting to read. Blog writing can be fun and challenging, especially if you spice things up and keep it focused on your readers. Play around with different styles and content ideas, adding statistics, videos, images and even telling a personal story.

With an interesting, sharable blog post, you will not only grow your audience but also your conversion rates. Don’t have time to write that perfect blog post? Let TrafficBox write it for you! Check out our blog writing packages or feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

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