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Blogging Tips – Boosting Your Organic Traffic

Writing fresh blog posts for your blog on a regular basis is always a great way to connect with your readers and publish interesting content, but how do you get traffic to your blog in the first place?

Every blogger will agree that organic traffic is a crucial element to SEO success and achieve better search engine rankings in the process.

Let’s take a look at how you can increase organic traffic to your blog.

User evergreen content

One of the most important tips when writing a blog is to use evergreen content. Evergreen content refers to information that will still stay relevant in future. This will give your blog post the advantage of still being relevant a year from now, as opposed to writing on a specific topic or event that is now over and no longer something people search for.

One way to do this is to answer a question or provide a solution to a problem people will almost always have. DO some research into what people are searching for and what questions they usually ask, and then provide the answer in the form of a well-written blog.

Optimize your blog posts for search engines

This might seem obvious, but too m any bloggers are still not focused on optimizing their blog posts. Even though you should write naturally for your audience instead of over-stuffing keywords, there are still a lot of things you can do to make sure that your post is optimised.

Write quality content with strong meta titles and descriptions to help optimise your post. Be sure to write useful content that is on-point and using relevant keywords in a natural way.

You can also include images, make use of bullet points and shorter paragraphs, and of course link to relevant, high authority links that will support your content.

Choose trending blog topics

People are always searching for information on products, services and solutions online. When you choose blog topic, make sure you choose a trending topic that people will want to read.

If you read a blog post you don’t want old or reworked information. Rather give your readers fresh, interesting information that will be valuable.

You can find trending topics with tools such as BuzzSumo or Feedly. You’ll find a list of great topics that are currently trending, based on the industry or keywords you are looking for.

Use long-tail keywords

Using long-tail keywords has many benefits; not only does it make your article easier to find online but those longer phrases are more specific to your services or products.

Writers usually put keywords in their articles to a point where it’s over-optimised. This can be avoided by using long-tail keywords naturally in your blog posts while maintaining quality. In most cases, long-tail keywords are a better option than single keywords according to search engines as it gives content a natural flow.

Choose a catchy title

The title is often everything – it immediately captures readers’ attention and this is what will make people want to read and share your content.

But it’s important to back it up with solid content too.

Choose a catchy title that will attract readers and get Google interested in your post. As mentioned above, if you combine it with trending topics you’ll have a great way to make people want to read your blog.

Optimise your meta descriptions

Your post’s meta description is that small piece of text below the link of search engine results. It’s usually a short sentence or two that describes what your content is about, to give readers a peek into what they can expect when they click on your article.

Be sure to include some of your main keywords in your meta title but avoid keyword-stuffing.

You can in fact include keywords in your meta description, page title, image ALT tags and URL to help maximise your blog post’s optimisation. You can also use synonyms of a specific keyword, for e.g. if your keyword is on page SEO techniques, you can choose alternatives such as:

  • On page SEO tactics
  • On page SEO methods
  • On page SEO factors

Make sure your blog loads fast

Another important aspect of running a blog is to make sure that it loads fast. Blog maintenance is an important part of your blog’s success; remember to optimise images and videos by resizing them to the fastest format. Storing data locally or, if you have visitors worldwide, use a CDN to speed up your media caching.

You can use tools like GTmetrix or Pingdom Tools to test your loading speed.

Keep your audience engaged

You need to respond to each comment you receive on your blog post. You will ensure that your audience are engaged and that you get the feedback that you need. It gives you the opportunity to reply to your readers and get involved in a conversation.

Bloggers who are engaged in their audience are more likely to retain their readers and grow their marketing list, as opposed to bloggers who only publish content and never return.

Don’t forget internal links

When you publish a new post, remember to link to other content and pages within your site. Backlinks should be to relevant pages, so stay on topic when you choose a page to link to. One of the major Google ranking factors is the quality of your links. You can include links to external pages too, but keep in mind that you want to promote your own pages.

By optimising your blog posts and choosing the right topic and content, you will help to increase your organic traffic naturally and steadily build up your subscriber base. No time to write your own blog post? Take a look at our blog writing packages that will give you optimized, interesting blog posts to grow your audience.

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