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How to Improve Your Website’s Google Rankings

Pages to be displayed first in the results are determined by the search engine of Google by using number of methods. Though no one can know the secret behind it but you can obviously improve the position of your website on Google, which is popularly termed as Search Engine Optimization of the website, by using few things discussed hereunder.

Though you may not be able to move your website at the top position on SERP through these tips but it is assured that you can surely improve its position. Your main aim should be to develop a website which attracts everyone to visit, irrespective of the methods used by you for it. Google will take a note of irresponsible use of SEO techniques, if you are not serious for it, and things will be changed altogether and you will wonder why your site is not improving on the search results as desired.

First, you should avoid the websites that suggest you to register your website on a number of search engines at a time. It will not only waste your money and time but also adversely affect the ranking of your website on search engines.

Some SEO methods preferred by Google to improve the rank (or to maintain SERP) of your website on search results are given below.

Use of proper keyword phrases

Keyword phrases, a collection of few words, are considered to be a good choice, instead of using a single word, for improving the rank of your website on Google search results. But you should not overuse them as it can make them spamy.

While deciding the proper keyword phrases for your website you should consider the kind of keyword phrases you would like to use on Google search engine while searching for its pages. You should avoid confusing keyword phrases for the content of your website to make it easily searchable.

If you are unable to decide on your own in this regard then you should ask someone else to read the content and suggest about the keyword phrases that can be used to optimize its presence on search engine. You can also know about the popularity of the keyword phrase you choose for your website by checking at Google Trends. Moreover, you should write the keyword phrases, which are easy to search and read, for every page of your website to make it easy for the searchers.

Keyword density

Concentration of keywords used on the website is another thing focused by Google search engine while listing its ages in its directories. Way and times of use of the keywords matter in this regard. If the keyword is used very thickly so that it affects the text of the website adversely then instead of improving its rank it will deteriorate its rank on search engine. Such practices are banned by Google. Writing a strong paragraph at the start that correctly briefs the idea of the content of the page can be a good practice as it can improve its rank on the Google search engine.

Name the pages correctly

It is vital to give a descriptive and attributed name to the pages of your website to be by the search engine as link to connect the searchers to it. Untitled links are normally not relished by the searchers, so they normally avoid clicking on them. Keyword of the page can also be used as it title if it describes the page appropriately.

Design a good website

Rank of a website that has well arranged pages increases on Google search engine very easily. The pages of the website should be designed excellently to make them popular easily on the search results.

Often link the pages

Providing hyperlinks to and from the pages of your website is also liked by Google search engine to improve its appearance on search results. The words you used to link your page should help in determining its content while used on search engine. The links should highlight the keywords of your web pages and should invite the searcher more appropriately to go through them. Links from other websites to your website also help in determining your page rank, which can be improved by swapping relevant text links with other websites.

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